Month: July 2007


Flying into a storm is a dangerous experience. The temptation is to fly by your instincts, or, as aviators say, “by the seat of your pants.” But as any pilot will tell you, that’s a prescription for disaster. If you rely on your feelings and instincts, you become disoriented, thinking the plane is going up when it’s actually going down. Thankfully, the instrument panel is set to magnetic north and can be trusted every time. Letting your instruments guide you, even when it feels like they’re wrong, helps ensure safety in the storm.

Known In Heaven

Mary stood by the entrance to the empty tomb and wept in misery that her Lord had died. She longed for “the touch of the vanished hand,” as Tennyson lyrically described death’s cold finality, “the sound of the voice that was still.”

Communion On The Moon

Apollo 11 landed on the surface of the moon on Sunday, July 20, 1969. Most of us are familiar with Armstrong’s historic statement as he stepped onto the moon’s surface: “That’s one small step for a man; one giant leap for mankind.” But few know about the first meal eaten there.

More Than We Imagine

For decades, astronomical artists have painted scenes of the universe based on a combination of scientific information and their own imaginations. But photographs from robotic space probes and the Hubble Space Telescope have redefined these artists’ view of reality. In a Los Angeles Times article, space artist Don Dixon said the first pictures of Jupiter’s moons Io and Europa “turned out to be much more exotic than anybody imagined.” Dixon now considers 70 percent of his space paintings to be “dated concepts” because reality has become more awesome than imagination.

“That Ain’t It!”

Visiting Alaska for the first time, I was excited that we were staying at the Mt. McKinley Lodge. As we were checking in, I caught a glimpse of a mass of rock through a large picture window, and I hurried out to the deck facing the mountain.

Handle With Care

While visiting Jakarta, Indonesia, for a Bible conference, I was invited to speak in a church there. Before the first of two services that Sunday morning, one of the elders asked me to give him my Bible. He explained that the elders were responsible for the biblical reliability of the teaching the congregation received, and that he would return my Bible to me in front of the congregation. It was a tangible way of showing the church family that the leadership was entrusting the ministry of the Word to me on that day.

Taking Out The Trash

My wife usually has to remind me to take out the garbage on trash pick-up days. It’s not one of my favorite jobs, but I muster up the determination to get it done and then just do it. Afterward it’s a nice feeling to have it out of the house, and I forget about it till the following week.

Giving God Our Best

We had rehearsed the song for several weeks, and it sounded good. But there was one tricky section that we just couldn’t get right. We were ready to call it good enough. Our choir director seemed to agree. He too was weary of rehearsing the same few measures over and over.

What’s In Your Hand?

Zookeepers who must handle snakes will tell you that you should never grab one by its tail. It can coil around in a split second and sink its fangs into your hand. The right way is to control it by its head. (Please don’t try this at home!)