Month: February 1996

Fashion Or Faith?

Os Guinness tells of a Jewish man, imprisoned 15 years by Soviet authorities for political dissidence, who became a Christian while in the terrible Gulag. He was sustained throughout that long ordeal by his faith in the Savior, and by the memory of his 4-year-old son he hoped to see again one day.

The Smart House

A group in Upper Marlboro, Maryland, is developing a "Smart House." This computer-equipped home can be programmed to monitor the baby, make the coffee, start the shower, dim the lights, and turn on the music. It senses whether people are in a room and adjusts the heat and lights accordingly. If the vacuum cleaner is running when the doorbell or telephone rings, the computer automatically shuts it off.

A Good Church

A television documentary showed several types of worship services in American churches. I liked some of what I saw but was troubled by an emphasis on being entertained instead of being led in worship. The focus of many services was on having fun rather than on worshiping the Lord.


When Henry Rolls was walking through his factory in its early days, he overheard a lathe operator say, "Oh, that'll do," as he tossed a part into a basket. The part looked all right to the casual observer, but Henry Rolls expected his workmen to use a micrometer and be satisfied with nothing less than precision accuracy. So when Mr. Rolls heard that comment, he reprimanded the man, "That may do for anyone else, but it will not do for Rolls-Royce."

The Blessing Of Persecution

Persecution, even martyrdom, has been the cost of discipleship for Christians down through the centuries. In many lands believers still suffer imprisonment and death for their uncompromising devotion to their Savior. Even in nations that have religious freedom, a person with a bold witness for the Lord may become the target of ridicule.

One Day Is Not Enough

Why are we so stubbornly neglectful at times about the relationship that can bring us the most happiness?

Signs Of Love

School was over for the day, and 14-year-old Sandy couldn't wait to get home. Bursting into the kitchen, she exclaimed, "Mother, I'm in love! I tingle whenever I'm near him, and I have butterflies in my stomach when he talks to me."

More Than Know-How

On one occasion while Sir Henry Brackenbury (1837-1914) was a military attaché in Paris, he was talking with the distinguished French statesman Leon Gambetta. "In these days," said Gambetta, "there are only two things a soldier needs to know. He must know how to march, and he must know how to shoot!"

World Travelers

In 1983 at age 16, an English girl began an 11-year trek around the world—on foot! Why did she do it? She said, "I had to discover myself."