Month: February 2004

How Would You Answer?

Sir Norman Anderson was invited to give a television talk on the evidence for Christ's resurrection, a subject that he had written much about. When his son died of cancer, the program producers offered to cancel his participation, saying, "You can't speak about the resurrection when you've just lost a son." But Anderson said, "I want to speak about it now even more." And so, sad in heart but with great assurance, he spoke of Christ's resurrection, and ours as believers.


When Jesus healed a paralytic as proof of His authority to forgive the man's sins, the people who witnessed the event were amazed, and they "glorified God, saying, 'We never saw anything like this!'" (Mark 2:12). More than a dozen times in the gospel of Mark, we read accounts of people reacting in a similar way to the words and works of Jesus.


James Deitz has produced paintings of airplanes and their crews that are so realistic they look like photographs. His works hang in many aviation galleries in the United States, including the Smithsonian Institution.

Open At The Top

A preacher was delivering a sermon before a large congregation. He pointed out that believers aren't exempt from trouble. In fact, some Christians are surrounded by trouble—trouble to the right, trouble to the left, trouble in front, and trouble behind. At this, a man who had served the Lord for many years, shouted, "Glory to God, it's always open at the top!"

The Best Policy

A former chairman of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants says that ethical behavior is the foundation of business success. Speaking to an audience of business and community leaders, Marvin Strait said, "People want to do business with people they can trust. Trust is what makes business work. It is the bedrock of the free-enterprise system."

The Tests Of Criticism

After a church service in which the minister had preached about spiritual gifts, he was greeted at the door by a woman who said, "Pastor, I believe I have the gift of criticism."

Starting Over

The little boy looked up at his mother and asked, "Mama, do you know why God made us?"

Keep The Romance

The great American statesman and lawyer William Jennings Bryan (1860-1925) was having his portrait painted. The artist asked, "Why do you wear your hair over your ears?"

Perfect Love

A wise man once wrote, "When love comes, fear goes."