Month: February 2002


In a discussion about marriage, one person said, "The key to a good relationship is that 'two shall become one.'" Another countered, "Yes, but which one?" Is it possible to be "one" without sacrificing our individuality?

When It's Too Late

An insurance agent repeatedly tried to convince a man to buy fire coverage for his home. "No," the homeowner kept saying. "It's well built, and I maintain it properly. My house will never catch fire." But one day it did! Imagine the look on that insurance agent's face when the homeowner foolishly ran to him to buy an insurance policy—as smoke filled the sky and flames gutted his home. It was way too late!

Examples Of Obedience

Have you ever met someone who had traits you thought should mark a Christian but then found that the person had never met the Savior? It's not all that unusual. Sometimes people who do not know Jesus keep their own moral standards more consistently than some Christians keep God's standards.

Of Specks And Planks

In The Blunder Book, M. Hirsh Goldberg tells of a new clerk in the Illinois House of Representatives who sent out a memo to his colleagues. In it he appealed for accuracy in their written communications. But when the memo was distributed, it had nine errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. When the memo fell into the hands of the press, the embarrassed clerk said he couldn't have made a worse blunder if he had tried.

Our Prayer Partner

My son Brian had been struggling for several hours to repair the plumbing in his bathroom. No matter what he tried, nothing seemed to work. His 4-year old son J.D. had been watching his dad, wanting to help but not knowing what to do. Brian was about to make one more try, but before doing so he looked up at J.D. and said, "Please pray."

Where Do You Live?

There's a saying that reads, "Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home." But are we really willing to live in a humble home?

Pray Or Act?

A missionary comes to your church and says that he needs some short-term help. Do you pray or do you act?


The word awesome is freely used these days to describe athletes, coaches, teachers, and even friends. I suppose it's not wrong to use the expression this way. But if you stand at the rim of the Grand Canyon, or take in the view from New Mexico's Sandia Peak, a point 10,378 feet above sea level, you'll really feel a sense of awe.

The Value Of Prophecy

Some people believe that the Bible is merely a haphazard collection of ancient writings. But we have good reason to believe it is God's inspired Word. For example, the Bible contains prophecies that have been fulfilled. Centuries before specific events took place, the writers of Scripture predicted their occurrence, and in the course of time those events came to pass.