Month: May 2001

God At Work

As I stood on the Golan Heights, with the Sea of Galilee sparkling in the distance, I listened to our Jewish guide tell about his participation in the 1967 Six-Day War. His vivid accounts of Israel's victories over bigger, more powerful enemies reminded me of Bible stories I learned as a child.

Run To Win

As a teenager, James Martinson had one dream—to someday be on the US Downhill Ski Team. But the army drafted him and sent him to Vietnam, where he suffered a severe injury from a land mine, resulting in the loss of both his legs. He became hateful toward people and toward God, abused alcohol and drugs, and even considered suicide.

Take My Hand

You never know when you'll need the Lord's comfort the most—when God's care will be your only hope to face tomorrow.

It Pays Better

What kind of lifestyle do you believe in and live? Is it one of focused selfishness, or one of lovingly seeking to meet the needs of others? (Romans 13:8).

Think First!

In 1980, Lee Atwater, a political campaign manager, inflicted terrible pain with his words. His staff learned that an opposing congressional candidate from South Carolina had once experienced severe depression and undergone electric shock therapy. When Atwater released the information to the press, it humiliated the candidate and cast doubt on his ability. In anguish, the man questioned Atwater's campaign ethics. Atwater responded by saying that he had no intention of responding to a man "hooked up to a jumper cable."

Hearts & Stars

Astronomers used Australia's largest optical telescope to map 100,000 galaxies that surround our own galaxy, the Milky Way. The 3-dimensional map covers 5 percent of the sky and allows us to see 4 billion light-years deep into space. The number of stars included defies our imagination, but not the knowledge of God.

Gone But Not Forgotten

John the Baptist had been dead at least 2 years and the memory of his ministry had begun to fade. But as the crowds gathered around Jesus near the place where John had taught, they remembered what he had said about Jesus and remarked, "All the things that John spoke about this Man were true" (John 10:41).

Why Am I Not Blessed?

When my friends from the United States came to visit me in Singapore, I was surprised that they walked into my home without removing their shoes. Because of our cultural differences, I thought their lack of concern about tracking in dirt was strange.

Calm In An Age Of Rage

Our daughter Melissa is at the "learning to drive" stage, and therefore has to listen to Mom's and Dad's numerous safety speeches. On one occasion, we told her, "If someone cuts you off, stay calm. Don't make the other driver angry. You don't know what he or she might do."