Month: March 2001

Simply Content

A few years ago, an automaker used the tune of the old Shaker song "Simple Gifts" to promote a luxury car. To those who knew the lyrics, it seemed contradictory to use a song about finding contentment in a simple way of life to sell an expensive car. It says, "'Tis the gift to be simple, 'tis the gift to be free, 'tis the gift to come down where we ought to be."

One Verse

Which of the 31,173 verses in the Bible is your favorite? And do you think that verse can make a difference in someone's life?

Foot-And-Mouth Disease

Foot-and-mouth disease is highly contagious among cloven-hoofed animals. Blisters form around the mouth, and the feet become extremely painful. The animals will not eat or drink, and they lose weight rapidly. Fortunately, preventive measures have made this infection virtually nonexistent in the US today.

Taking The Medicine

Suppose you are rushed to the hospital, where a physician examines you and informs you that you are critically ill. He says you'll die unless you have proper treatment. He then prescribes medicine and says, "If you will take this, I can assure you with absolute certainty that you will get well."

Eyes Of Faith

God sometimes answers our prayers in marvelous ways, but He does not want us to become preoccupied with the miraculous. That's why Jesus gently rebuked the nobleman who begged Him to come and heal his son (John 4:48). But in response to the father's repeated appeal He said, "Go your way, your son lives" (v.50). The father came to "believe" on the basis of Jesus' word alone. The reality of his faith is seen in the fact that he obeyed Christ's simple command and "he went his way."

We Are Winners!

Everybody likes to be a winner. So when we read in Romans 8:37 that we as followers of Christ are "more than conquerors," we get excited. But what does that phrase mean?

A Life Worth Living

At a banquet for an academic society, I sat next to a world-renowned scholar. I knew he was admired globally for the books he had written and for his lectures. I also knew that for years he had been struggling with depression. He told me that he was dependent on medication and counseling to keep him going. Then he said, "But Jesus Christ gives me a reason for living." Those words are etched in my memory.

A Place To Grow

"I'm limited," you say. You are frustrated by the cramping restrictions of age, illness, a difficult child, or an uncooperative spouse. Perhaps you are housebound or bedridden and feel you have no place to serve.

Reservation Guaranteed

Because my daughter is a flight attendant, I am blessed with a parent's pass for my personal use. For a small service charge, I may fly wherever the airline flies. There's one drawback, however. I must be on "standby." That means I'm allowed on board only if there's space available. Until then, my luggage is set aside and labeled "Status Pending." While the paying passengers board, I must wait, wondering if my name will be called. I can never be certain of a seat because available space isn't guaranteed.