Month: June 1999

Make Your Reservation

As early as 1995, reservations were being made in fashionable hotels and resorts for celebrating New Year's Eve 1999. According to writer Calvin McDowell in The New York Times, the London Savoy had by then been twice overbooked. Although the charge for the evening was $1,000, the Rainbow Room in New York City had a waiting list. So did the Waldorf-Astoria. Reservations were hard to get.

Just A Moment

It takes years to build a reputation—and just a moment of indiscretion to destroy it.

Wings Versus Willpower

On a flight from London to New York, I was seated next to a nervous passenger. He admitted to me that he felt he was keeping our plane airborne by sheer willpower. He couldn't relax for a moment, for fear that gravity would drag us down.


When we put our trust in Jesus as our Savior, we are not only forgiven but also transformed from the inside through the renewing activity of the Holy Spirit (Ti. 3:5).

God's Opportunity

We usually think of "opportunity" as our own chance to take a significant step ahead in life. We love the idea of an open door or a favorable moment to seize the chance of a lifetime. But do we ever think of opportunity from God's perspective?

The Little Enemy

In the late 1960s, I witnessed a carefully planned bombing raid. I remember watching as the planes methodically worked the Florida skies in an attempt to wipe out the enemy. In this case, however, the enemy was not human. It was a creature known as the fire ant—ittle in size but causing a major problem. The planes were spreading a pesticide aimed at ridding the South of this invader.

A Cure For Criticism

A church bulletin had a clever poem about criticism that began:

Get Proverbial

I first saw the car in my rearview mirror, weaving in and out of traffic. It zoomed by, cut me off, passed two cars on the right, zipped back into the left lane, roared past two trucks, and cut sharply to the right before disappearing from view.

To Tell The Truth

Henry David Thoreau said, "Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth." Imagine the difference it would make in our world if that theme were heard as often as those catchy and memorable advertising jingles by Coca-Cola or McDonald's.