Month: March 1999

God's Neighborhood

When Fred Rogers received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, he wore a sweater and tie, just as he has for 30 years as host of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood. Instead of focusing on his career in public television, he talked to reporters about why we are on this earth—not to amass fortunes or win competitions or make great names for ourselves. The important things, he said, are the small, daily acts that make our world a better place.

Our God Reigns!

In Germany in the late 1930s, young Dr. Herbert Gezork was fortunate that he was sentenced to exile instead of execution. Yet the night before his departure for America, he wandered the streets of Hamburg in deep despair. He kept asking, "What hope is there in a world where demonic forces are triumphing?"

Faith Now, Sight Later

Do you see dramatic evidence of God at work in your life, or is your life rather quiet and routine? Catherine Booth, who with her husband William organized the Salvation Army, stressed the need for being content to walk by faith. In her final illness she talked to a friend about the difference between faith and sight.

Stones Of Remembrance

My old Bible isn't in one piece anymore. Its once gilt-edged pages are worn with the work of time and my fingers. Bible drills and youthful exuberance have given this tattered copy of the sacred Scriptures more character than any other book in my office.

Come And Get It!

A bird-feeder stands outside the window of my study where I sit and write. Every day, wonderful wordless sermons are preached to me from that feeder. The preachers are my feathered friends, and the message they illustrate so effectively is this: Dependence on God is right and reasonable for all of God's creatures, including you and me!

Find Your Own Calcutta

"Find your own Calcutta." That was the response Mother Teresa sent to a woman who wanted to join her in ministering to one of India's most crowded cities.

God Will Make A Way

Rebecca was at her lowest as she drove her aging car to the day-care center to pick up her daughter. Her boss was making life difficult again. The landlord was raising the rent. And as a single mom, she felt all alone. "I'm trying my best," she told God. "Please help me."

The Way God Works

My bill came to $4.40. The dollar bills and change in my pocket left me 40 cents short.

Living Up To The Name

A new Christian was reading through the Gospels. After she finished, she told a friend she wanted to read a book on church history. When her friend asked why, the woman replied, "I'm curious. I've been wondering when Christians started to become so unlike Christ."