Month: January 1999

Nothing But The Truth

A 12-year-old boy was a key witness in a lawsuit. One of the lawyers, after intense questioning, asked, "Your father told you what to say, didn't he?"

God Is Talking

Years ago, an annoyed senior citizen from Richmond Heights, Missouri, hung up on President Reagan, who was trying to call him. This happened not just once, but half a dozen times! He didn't believe the operator when she insisted that the White House was calling. He was so sure it was a prank that he didn't stay on the line. But the Southwestern Bell operator and a neighbor finally convinced him it was for real. As a result, the man had the privilege of chatting with President Reagan for about 15 minutes.

God-Centered Faith

During difficult times we often lament, "If only I had more faith!" Yet we demonstrate in everyday life that the most important issue is not the amount of our faith but the object of our faith. For instance, whenever we sit down in a chair, we trust that it will support us. Our faith is in the chair, not in how much faith we possess.

Doing The Impossible

The Christian life really isn't hard to live—it's impossible! In fact, only one person in history has actually lived it perfectly—Jesus Christ.

Better Than Insurance

I don't like to write out checks for insurance, but I have to. A spokesman for the Insurance Information Institute acknowledged, "We sell a product that everyone . . . must have and that everyone believes he's paying too high a price for." That statement doesn't make me want to pay the premiums, but I'm glad the insurance insiders realize I'm bearing a heavy burden for something I may never use.

Your Never-Dying Friend

A man who wrote to me frequently always signed his letters: "Your never-dying friend." He believed that his strong faith in Christ would keep him alive until Jesus returned. He based this belief on his interpretation of Jesus' words, "Whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die" (Jn. 11:26). I haven't heard from him for a long time, so I assume he has died. If so, he is in heaven and now knows that his understanding of that verse was incorrect.

The Promised Prize

Recently I received a magazine sweepstakes letter that addressed me by name and repeatedly mentioned a $500,000 prize. It spoke of instant wealth and a lifetime of leisure. Finally, at the bottom of page 2, in very small print, I found the part I was looking for. As required by law, the letter told me that the approximate numerical odds of my winning the prize were 1 in 80 million. Now that's remote!

Not Taken, But Given

All of us hope that we will be the exception to Jesus' words, "In the world you will have tribulation" (Jn. 16:33). But if we realize that hardship may be our Father's wise plan for our lives, we will not be surprised and shocked when painful difficulty or tragedy occurs.

Honest Relationships

Meet Mr. and Mrs. Everything's Fine. They're dedicated to ministering to people and everyone respects them, but many feel uncomfortable around them.