Month: June 1997

Costly Cleanup

A recent estimate by the United States Department of Energy says that a nuclear cleanup of contaminated former weapons sites will cost $230 billion and will take 75 years. Even at that, the report assumes that not all of the contamination will be removed, and the public must be barred from the poisoned land. Radioactive waste doesn't go away.

My God!

As Jesus hung on the cross, suspended between heaven and earth, He uttered several phrases. Of the things He said while death approached, one phrase seems to stand out in its intensity: "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?" (Mt. 27:46).


Zacchaeus was a little tax man who shinnied up a sycamore tree to get a good look at Jesus. The Teacher spotted him perched on one of the branches, told him to come down, and then invited Himself over for a meal.

He Put It In Writing

Two days after the April 27, 1996, cease-fire in Lebanon, a TV interviewer asked Israel's prime minister how the new agreement differed from one a few years earlier. He replied, "This one is in writing, whereas the former one was verbal over the telephone. Print has a different value."

One Tongue Is Enough

All of us as Christians who long to proclaim the riches of Christ and His good news know the limitations of having only one tongue. In one of his hymns, Charles Wesley wrote, "O for a thousand tongues to sing my great Redeemer's praise!"

Bring Them Joy

Poet Shel Silverstein wrote a heart-touching verse titled, "The Little Boy and the Old Man." In it he portrays a young boy talking to an elderly gentleman.

The World We Live In

As the Lord's return draws near, godlessness is increasing. Standards that have stood for decades are falling all around us. Crime, lawlessness, and disrespect all seem to be growing.

Soil Preparation

Look at today's newspaper. Watch the evening news. Chances are you'll see some of the millions of refugees in our world who have fled persecution or violence. The global problems seem so great and the solutions so inadequate that those who are helping on the front lines and those of us who are watching from a distance may suffer from what's called topsoil emerged. After planting seeds and watering the ground for several weeks, they had a green lawn.

A Gift For God

Imagine what a heavy schedule of appointments President Abraham Lincoln had to keep day after day. Yet when an elderly woman with no official business in mind asked to see him, he graciously consented.