Month: May 1997

Strength In Weakness

After the bombing of the Oklahoma City federal building in 1995, Billy Graham addressed the grieving citizens. Mrs. Frank Keating, the governor's wife, later recalled, "As he sat on the platform before his message, I saw a man with physical weakness. But when he stood up to speak, there was energy and vitality. And when he sat down, he was again a man of weakness."

Deliver The Goods

Our major highways are crawling with huge trucks, vans, and trailers. When we feel rushed, it's easy to see them as nothing more than a hindrance to those of us traveling in smaller vehicles. We forget that the drivers of these mighty carriers are stewards, serving you and me. Having collected all sorts of manufactured goods needed by people everywhere, they have only one aim: Deliver the goods. How impoverished we would be without their service!

How A Tree Grows

An impatient college student went to the president of the school and asked if he could take an accelerated course that would allow him to graduate sooner. "Yes," the president replied, "but it depends on what you want to be. When God wants to make an oak, he takes a hundred years. But when He wants to make a squash, He takes 6 months."

Dress For Success

In 1975, John Molloy wrote a book called Dress For Success, which became the fashion guidebook for many people trying to climb the corporate ladder. Molloy's advice centered on a basic premise—always dress like your boss.

Our Comforter

A seminary student was writing a term paper about confession of sin. At one point he intended to type, "When we confess our sins, He takes away our guilt." But when he came to the word guilt, he hit the letter q by mistake. This made his sentence read, "When we confess our sins, He takes away our quilt." He turned in the paper without noticing his error.

God And Guns

Does the security of our nation depend on its military might? What would happen if we were to do away with our armed forces?

The Best Is Yet To Be

Every year at about this time, I think a little more seriously about a topic that interests everyone but concerns only those who have reached certain age plateaus. The topic is "getting older." The reason I think about it at this time of year is that I celebrate another year of life during April.

The Cure For Greed

A man who lived with his elderly aunt expected to inherit her small fortune. But he didn't wait for her to die naturally. The newspaper reported that he killed her by giving her an overdose of medication. He's now in prison.

God's Constant Care

Some days we find ourselves intensely absorbed in busyness. Our attention must be riveted on the details of our work if we are to do it well.