Month: January 2004

Time Flies

Many metaphors are used in literature to describe life's brevity. It is a dream, a swift runner, a mist, a puff of smoke, a shadow, a gesture in the air, a sentence written in the sand, a bird flying in one window of a house and out another. Another symbolic description was suggested by a friend of mine who said that the short dash between the dates of birth and death on tombstones represents the brief span of one's life.

Turnaround Expert

Members of The Turnaround Management Association are rarely asked to join successful companies. Instead, these skilled professionals are called into ailing businesses to help get them back on their feet.

Let's Talk About It!

The police in San Diego received complaints from a woman who said she was getting annoying phone calls. In the middle of the night a person would phone her, bark like a dog, and then hang up. Police eventually discovered that the source of the calls was a neighbor. He said that whenever he was awakened by the barking of her dog, he wanted to make sure she was awake too.

Caring Prayer

I recently received an e-mail from someone I didn't know. It was from a teenager who set a great example we all can learn from. His e-mail showed how much he believed in the power of prayer.

From Bitter To Sweet

Joy and sorrow are often close companions. Just as the Israelites went from the thrill of victory at the Red Sea to the bitter waters of Marah just 3 days later (Exodus 15:22-23), our rejoicing can quickly turn into anguish.

A Time For Action

The woman chuckled as she told me about the time she woke her husband to tell him she was in labor and needed to go to the hospital. He jumped out of bed, dropped to his knees, and said, "Honey, let's pray." She told him that it was not the time to kneel and pray. It was time to get dressed and head for the hospital. It was time for action!

Golden Gods

God had seized the attention of Pharaoh and the Egyptians with a series of plagues. Now they were dying to be rid of their Hebrew slaves. But God didn't want the Israelites to leave Egypt empty-handed. After all, they had 400 years of wages due them. So they asked their former masters for articles of silver, gold, and clothing, and they got them. Exodus 12:36 says that the Israelites "plundered the Egyptians."

Steadfast Service

How do we react to tragic events? When upsetting experiences come into our personal lives and create an atmosphere of darkness and gloom, how do we respond? We may tend to panic or lose heart. A man named Abraham Davenport can teach us a lesson in steadfastness.

The Freedom Of Structure

Concert pianist Jeannette Haien believes that the structure of a fine musical composition actually provides great freedom for the person who plays it. "Within the strictures of so-called form," she says, "is all the freedom in the world."