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Plenty Of Pencils

My mother lives alone now. It's been 8 years since my dad died. She can't get out by herself except to take brief walks. She's having a terrible time with her short-term memory. Conversations are limited to a few repeated comments.

The Upside Of Sorrow

Sorrow can be good for the soul. It can uncover hidden depths in ourselves and in God.

Let's Keep Digging

Scottish physician A. J. Cronin (1896-1981) was forced by illness to take a leave of absence from his medical practice. He then decided to write a novel. But when half done, he became disheartened and threw his manuscript into a garbage can.

Riding Out The Waves

What can ride ocean currents for years before finally washing ashore and springing to life? According to National Geographic's World magazine, it's a nut that is native to South America and the West Indies. Some people call them "sea hearts."

What Will Happen?

In his book Spirit Life, Stuart Briscoe writes, "When I moved to the United States, I was impressed with the number of total strangers who visited my home to wish me well . . . . They all sold insurance!

Tough Trees

Bristlecone pines are the world's oldest living trees. Several are estimated to be 3,000 to 4,000 years old. In 1957, scientist Edmund Schulman found one he named "Methuselah." This ancient, gnarled pine is nearly 5,000 years old! It was an old tree when the Egyptians were building the pyramids.

Building A Life

It was a sunny, sad day in 1982—the day after my husband's funeral. I had gone alone to Bill's grave, hardly knowing why. As with Mary Magdalene who visited Jesus' tomb, the risen Lord was waiting for me. He impressed the words of Philippians 1:21 on my mind, still numbed by Bill's untimely death from cancer.

The Advantage Of Weakness

I always enjoy talking with my old college friend Tom and getting caught up on what the Lord has been teaching us since we last met.

God Remembers

I shall never forget the message Pastor Joseph Bower brought to the RBC Ministries staff in a chapel session a number of years ago. He used three Scripture texts (2 Timothy 2:19; Psalm 103:14; 2 Peter 2:9) to point out that God understands us perfectly—our weaknesses, our limitations, our very nature.