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Choosing The Hard Thing

On September 12, 1962, President John F. Kennedy delivered a speech at Rice University in Houston, Texas, about the difficult challenges facing the nation. He also shared his passion for the United States to place a man on the moon.

Unused Muscles

My wife recently visited a physiotherapist to seek relief for her neck and shoulder pain. When the problem did not go away after several visits, she asked why. She was told that her pain was because of some “lazy neck muscles.”


In September 2001, Lisa Jefferson had an unexpected opportunity to be used by God. Her now well-known 15-minute conversation with a passenger on United Flight 93 forever changed the direction of her life. In her book Called, she emphasizes that her listening skills and her ability to take charge and stay calm in a crisis were used to encourage fellow believer Todd Beamer in the last moments of his life.

One Small Choice

As a boy, my father often played violin in the local symphony. This budding young talent continued improving into his high school years.

The Apprentice

When some employers were asked what makes a good apprentice, they responded that they seek to hire “someone who wants to learn.”

The Debt Of Leadership

Examine the words of Psalm 86, and you might forget that you are reading the musings of a good leader. King David prayed, “O Lord, hear me; for I am poor and needy” (v.1). Then the king of Israel refers to himself as a “servant” and pleads for mercy. Think of it! This was the man God had chosen to lead His people, pleading for God’s help. Wow!

The Oyster Man

In the days of John Wesley, lay preachers with limited education would sometimes conduct the church services. One man used Luke 19:21 as his text: "Lord, I feared Thee, because Thou art an austere man" (KJV). Not knowing the word austere, he thought the text spoke of "an oyster man."