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True Trust

If you didn’t know him, you might think Nick Vujicic has everything going for him. Nick has never had a sore arm. He’s never had knee problems. He’s never smashed his finger in a door, stubbed his toe, or banged his shin against a table leg.

Consumer Mentality

I like to read, and I enjoy buying books. But I don’t like it when publishers refer to me as a “consumer.” The word consume can mean “do away with completely” or “spend wastefully.” It brings to mind forest fires that devour acre after acre of vegetation, leaving behind only scorched remnants of trees and homes. When we read books, we don’t consume them in that sense, for they don’t cease to exist after we’ve used them. In fact, quite the opposite is true. They become a part of us; they change us.

Limited But Useful

Suzanne Bloch, an immigrant from Germany, often played chamber music with Albert Einstein and other prominent scientists. She said that Einstein, though an accomplished violinist, irritated his fellow musicians by not coming in on the beat. “You see,” Bloch explained, “he couldn’t count.” Einstein could project revolutionary theories about the cosmos, but he had difficulty with rhythmic counting. Despite his limitation, he remained an enthusiastic musician.

The Right Stuff

David, I missed you in class today,” I told one of my college students when we ran into each other in the Information Services office. He gave me that stunned “freshman in the first week of college” look, and then it struck him—he had misread his schedule and had gone to the wrong class.

The Pumpkin Man

In the city of Colorado Springs, people called Nick Venetucci "The Pumpkin Man." Every autumn for 50 years, he invited thousands of school children to visit his farm along the banks of Monument Creek, pick a free pumpkin, and take it home. Nick loved walking through his fields with the kids, helping them find "just the right one."

The principal of the local elementary school, which was named in Venetucci's honor, said, "He taught our kids the definition of generosity. He gave, gave, gave, and never expected anything in return." When Nick died at the age of 93, the community saluted him as a hero because of his kind and generous spirit.

Toddler's Creed

Elisa Morgan, president of MOPS International (Mothers Of Pre-Schoolers), shared this insight into a child's view of the world:
Toddler's Creed
If I want it, it's mine.
If I give it to you and change my
mind later, it's mine.
If I can take it away from you,
it's mine.
If I had it a little while ago,
it's mine.
If it's mine, it will never belong to
anyone else, no matter what.
If we are building something together,
all the pieces are mine.
If it looks just like mine,
it is mine. 

What Good Is A Rubber Tree?

On one of his voyages to the New World, Christopher Columbus came across a remarkable tree. It had round fruit that bounced like a ball. Its Indian name was caoutchouc—"the weeping wood."

Have A Wonderful Day

After admiring a painting in a woman's home, I was surprised by her generosity when she took it down and gave it to me.