Month: October 2005

Got Moles?

While cutting our grass, I spotted rounded mounds of sandy loam on what had recently been a smooth lawn. A family of moles had emigrated from nearby woods to take up residence beneath our yard. The little creatures were wreaking havoc with our lawn by burrowing into the soil and disrupting the beautiful turf.

It's In God's Hands

The world was horrified when Chechen rebels massacred hundreds of people held hostage in a school in Beslan, Russia. Many of the victims were children, including six belonging to the two Totiev brothers, who are active in Christian ministry.

Counterfeit Reality

 When people see a photograph or video today, they often ask, "Is it real?" A home computer can manipulate images to create a picture of an event that never happened. Images can be inserted into or removed from photographs. A video can be doctored to make it appear that a person was caught committing a crime or performing an act of heroism. The camera may not lie, but the computer can.

Faith & Riches

Do you want to be rich? Do you think your faith will bring you riches? What kind of riches are you looking for?

The Strongest Weak People

 If there is anything that we love to hate more than the arrogance of others, it would have to be an awareness of our own weakness. We detest it so much that we invent ways to cover our personal inadequacy.

Coping With Fear

Many people are afraid of flying. The thought of being airborne fills them with anxiety. For that reason the American Phobic Society recommends these techniques for coping with the fear of flying:

  • Avoid sugar and caffeine before and during a flight.
  • Lean back at takeoff; let your muscles go limp.
  • Rate your anxiety on a scale from 1 to 10. Think positive thoughts; note how much your fear decreases.
  • Breathe deeply; close your eyes; stretch your arms.
  • Wear a rubber band on your wrist and snap it to break unpleasant thoughts.

Right Spirit

 I once read some theology on the bumper of a car in front of me. It said, "If you go to hell, don't blame Jesus!" The slogan apparently was an attempt by the driver to do some evangelism. I gave him credit for trying, but I wondered if those who saw that warning felt it was put there in love.

The Miracle Of Marriage

When Pastor Howard Sugden performed the wedding ceremony for my husband and me, he emphasized that we were participating in a miracle. We believed him, but we didn't comprehend the size of the miracle needed to hold two people together, much less become one.

What Good Is A Rubber Tree?

On one of his voyages to the New World, Christopher Columbus came across a remarkable tree. It had round fruit that bounced like a ball. Its Indian name was caoutchouc—"the weeping wood."