Month: January 2000

We Need One Another

Back in 1948, four friends huddled together in Modesto, California, to pray and plan. They wanted their evangelistic ministry to be God-honoring and above reproach, so they agreed to hold one another accountable to principles of integrity that would guide their organization and their personal lives. They called their agreement the "Modesto Manifesto." You may recognize their names: Billy Graham, Grady Wilson, George Beverly Shea, and Cliff Barrows.

Temporary Or Eternal

The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World were wonderful indeed! These impressive creations of human genius include the Tomb of Mausolos, built in 350 bc; the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus; the Hanging Gardens of Babylon; King Ptolemy's lighthouse near Alexandria; the 100-foot statue of Apollo called the Colossus of Rhodes; the 40-foot statue of Zeus in the city of Olympia; and the great pyramids of Egypt.

Do You Have Your Ears On?

Pagers seem to be everywhere these days. People who have one of these devices clipped to their belt receive a signal when they are needed. Being able to stay in touch with their home or office can give them great peace of mind. They know that if someone wants to contact them, they can be reached anywhere and at any time.


Recently I saw a television commercial that made it appear that fish and animals were singing "The Hallelujah Chorus." At first it seemed a bit absurd and even sacrilegious to see angelfish and brown bears mouthing the word hallelujah. But as I thought about it, a passage of Scripture came to mind.


Creator Praise

"In the beginning" (Gen. 1:1) is not the only place in the Bible where we read about creation. The remarkable work of God's creation is not a one-passage phenomenon. Woven throughout Scripture are reminders that God fashioned our world—telling us again and again how vital it is to believe that the universe and everything in it came through the masterful work of His mighty hand.