Month: December 1999

Walking With Him

One hot summer day my daughter and I were enjoying the slides and tube runs at a waterpark. While waiting in line for one of the rides, I overheard a man ask, "Does anyone know where this line is going?" The person next to him said, "I don't have a clue." I chuckled at their apparent ignorance, but then I realized that I didn't know where the line was going either.

The Name

Companies that compete for consumer dollars know the importance of protecting their name and reputation. Shoddy quality or poor service can cause profits to plummet.

Meeting God In Church

The phone rang in the office of the Washington church where the President of the United States attended. The caller asked, "Do you expect the President to be there Sunday?"

Idols In Disguise

When we hear the word idol, we think of a statue of a person or animal that is the focus of worship. For example, we think of the golden calf the Israelites made soon after they left Egypt (Ex. 32:1-6). We know that God abhors such images, yet is it possible that we worship idols without knowing it?

Unheralded Champions

Pat Fillmore has been a pioneer missionary in Irian Jaya for 40 years. She taught people to read and brought them medications and medical techniques. She maintained airstrips, built septic systems, and repaired generators and appliances. In addition, she established and managed a quality Bible school, and translated parts of the Bible and many study courses into the language of the people to whom she ministered.

A Name Of Honor

When we read through the Bible, we're inclined to skip the first nine chapters of 1 Chronicles because they're just lists of names. But here and there we can find interesting nuggets of information. The two verses about Jabez are a case in point (4:9-10).

Grace Is Amazing

In his book What's So Amazing About Grace? Philip Yancey says that "the world thirsts for grace in ways it does not even recognize." He writes, "Little wonder the hymn 'Amazing Grace' edged its way onto the Top Ten charts two hundred years after composition."

Check Yourself

Because my job often involves interviewing people, I frequently ask them, "How did you become a Christian?"

What Do You Expect?

Watch your expectations this Christmas season! The holidays can seldom deliver all the happiness and love we've come to expect from them. The advertising images of romantic couples and laughing families may sell a lot of merchandise, but they often mock the heartache felt by so many people at this time of year.