Month: July 1999

When You Doubt

Do you ever wonder whether the Bible can be trusted? Scottish reformer John Knox confessed that he passed through a dark time when his soul was filled with "anger, wrath, and indignation, which it conceived against God, calling all His promises in doubt."

The Fruit Stealer

Four young men crept silently through the late-evening shadows toward the unattended farm market. One picked up a ripe watermelon and slipped to the edge of the darkness. He handed it to the second young man, who relayed it to the third. The fourth put it into the trunk of their car. In a few minutes they had taken a dozen watermelons, and they sped off.

Winning, Not Sinning

Hebrews 12 is about running the race of faith successfully, yet the word winning isn't mentioned once. Rather, the writer emphasized endurance and discipline. Without these qualities, the race can't be won.

What Matters Most

In the mid-1970s, Ed Roberts created the world's first commercially successful personal computer (PC). He hired a 19-year-old named Bill Gates to write software for him.

Why Go?

It's Sunday morning, and our neighborhood is alive with activities. One neighbor is backing his boat out of the driveway as his family prepares for a day on the lake. Another sits comfortably on his front porch reading the newspaper. My daughter's friend calls and asks her to go to a basketball game. At the same time, our family is racing to find a missing pair of shoes so we can get to church on time.

Who Says?

I had always admired a well-known television news personality and thought of him as someone with high moral standards. So it surprised me one day when I heard him remark that he doesn't want anyone telling him what is right and what is wrong. He made it clear that he answers to no one but himself.

Hide Or Seek?

An Indianapolis patrolman ran into trouble while he was investigating a routine traffic mishap. He had interviewed witnesses, arrested one of the drivers, and written up the accident report. Then he noticed that the offending motorist was chewing on something that wasn't gum. He was eating the report! Despite the officer's efforts to retrieve the report, it was destroyed. But the delay was only temporary. The patrolman tracked down the witnesses again and recompiled the evidence.

Christ's Agents

We as believers in Christ are called to be witnesses to our world (Acts 1:8). It's not always easy. Sometimes we are treated rudely or unkindly. It's then that our actions and behavior can be our most effective testimony.

Flight Plan

In missionary pilot Bob Griffin's book Cleared for Take-off, one idea appeared often: A pilot must have a good flight plan. Airports require pilots to file a flight plan that includes their travel route and destination. A missionary pilot, often flying to and from small landing strips across uncharted territory, must know how to get where he's going and where to put the plane down when he arrives.