Month: June 1999

Mudpies And Motives

God wants us to make the most of the talents He's given to us. That's His will for a student writing a term paper or for an architect designing a soaring skyscraper. But as history rolls on, we also know that the greatest of human work will eventually become dust and ashes.

Hey, Dad!

Sometimes when I'm in a crowded place, such as in a mall or at a ballgame, I hear someone call out, "Hey, Dad!" I instinctively look around to see who's calling. Although most of the time it's not one of my children, I'm always reminded of the universal nature of the name Dad. It's a one-size-fits-all label.

Misplaced Treasure

I once read about a man who bought a luxurious house and filled it with expensive and impressive furnishings. After taking a friend on a tour through the mansion's many spacious rooms, the owner asked proudly, "Well, what do you think of it?" He expected to hear lavish praise, so he was stunned when his guest replied, "It is magnificent; but to be perfectly frank, things like this make a deathbed terrible."


Does it surprise you that trouble is a part of life? Probably not. We all know trouble close-up and personal—bad health, empty bank account, blighted love, grief, loss of job, and the list goes on.

Forgiving Clubs

If you play golf, you know how important it is to hit the ball at just the right spot on the club face. The newest clubs, however, are more forgiving. The metal-head woods, the featherweight clubs, and the hollowback irons have expanded what is often referred to as the "sweet spot" on the club. Now it is possible to hit the ball on the heel or the toe of the club and still get good distance.

What Did God Promise?

 A young man was rebelling against his parents. When he lost his job and his girlfriend, he complained that God was being unfair. He didn't think the Lord was being very loving or was giving him the help He  promised in the Bible. What he didn't realize was that Jesus promised a sense of His love and presence only to those who keep His commandments (Jn. 14:21-24; 15:9-14).

Lord, Don't You Care?

Two of the most telling questions in the New Testament were asked of Jesus by people who loved Him deeply. When a fierce storm threatened to sink their boat in the Sea of Galilee, His disciples asked, "Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?" (Mk. 4:38). On another occasion, as a relaxed Mary listened to Jesus, a tense Martha came from the kitchen and said, "Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone?" (Lk. 10:40).

Prepared For Persecution?

While I was visiting the Russian Far East, I had a conversation with my friend Lena that I will not soon forget. She is an excellent student and works at a Christian radio station in Magadan. Since becoming a believer in Christ in 1994, she has enjoyed remarkable spiritual growth.

The Best Argument

As I talked with a skeptic about the moral standards of the Bible, I could tell that he remained unconvinced. Then I asked him if he knew any cruel, greedy people who had become kind and unselfish when they became believers in Christ. His demeanor changed abruptly when he admitted that he did know such people. I could tell that they were having a greater impact on him than he wanted to acknowledge.