Month: October 1998

Till He Comes

Why did Jesus command His followers to participate in what we call the Lord's Supper or Communion? Because He wants us to remember His death on the cross and to anticipate His return.

The Choice To Rejoice

When a grief-stricken woman was sharing her feelings, her friend said sympathetically, "Sorrow does color life, doesn't it?" "Yes," the woman agreed, and then added, "but I intend to choose the colors."

Alternate Route

My daughter was coming home from college for the weekend to play the piano at her friend's wedding. Before she left, I sent her an e-mail directing her to take an alternate route instead of the one she usually travels for the 6-hour drive home. Why? Because on that road a few weeks earlier my wife and I had been delayed for 2 hours by construction crews.

Through His Eyes

When a woman from another country lived in our home for a few weeks, she kept asking questions I had never thought about. At a drive-in restaurant, she said, "Why would anyone want to eat in the car?" As she glanced at the church page in the Saturday newspaper, she asked, "Why do the ministers put their own photographs in the ads for their churches?" Through her eyes, we began to see aspects of our culture that were so familiar we had never noticed them before.