Month: September 1998

Information Isn't Wisdom

Are there any limits to the knowledge we can acquire? With today's amazing technology we are able to tap into incredible sources of information. Yet Bill Gates, visionary founder of Microsoft, claims that we are only on the threshold of far greater wonders. In his book The Road Ahead, Gates makes this prediction: "When tomorrow's powerful information machines are connected on the highway . . . you'll be able to stay in touch with anyone, anywhere, who wants to stay in touch with you; to browse through any of thousands of libraries day or night."

In God We Trust?

Money is not evil, but it can lead to many temptations. Today's Bible reading highlights one common snare: trusting in money instead of God (1 Tim. 6:17).

In Word And Deed

A man decided to make Mother's Day special for his wife. He bought her presents. He took her out to eat. He made life easy for her around the house.

Don't Go It Alone

In New Testament times, believers banded together in prayer groups and house churches. This enabled them to go further and rise higher in their Christian growth than if they had tried to go it alone.

Inconvenient Or Important?

Modern society emphasizes efficiency and convenience but minimizes interaction among people. For example, a person using the phone may hear recorded messages: "For account information, press 1." "At the tone, leave a message." "For flight information, press 2."

'I Don't Even Like Her'

When Missy started her new job in the factory, she was determined to let her light shine for the Lord. But as soon as she met Louise, her work partner, she knew it wasn't going to be easy. Brassy, defensive, and crude, Louise ridiculed everything Missy did. When Missy tried to befriend her and tell her about Jesus, she was rejected. Louise said, "I tried that. It didn't work."

Good News Is For Sharing

Four starving lepers, in quarantine outside Jerusalem, decided to surrender to the enemy soldiers who were besieging the city (2 Ki. 7:3-4). But they found the Syrian camp empty of men and full of provisions, evidence of a terror-stricken flight. They ate to their fill and stashed away gold, silver, and clothing. But then feelings of guilt mixed with fear of punishment moved them to share the good news with the hungry people in Jerusalem.

Spoil Yourself

The old saying "The proof of the pudding is in the eating" is true. We can't prove the quality of something until we've tried it. If we find it to be superior, we become spoiled and can never again be satisfied with less.

The Path Of Wisdom

I had always heard that if a farmer keeps his eyes on a distant object while he's plowing, he'll make a straight furrow. So I tested the principle when I mowed my lawn. Sure enough, my first cut was a straight swath of new-mown turf.