Month: January 1997

Random Acts


Human Like Us

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be someone else? Nearly 40 years ago, John Howard Griffin darkened his skin color and experienced life in a predominantly white society. In his fascinating book Black Like Me, Griffin describes his travels in the United States, and he tells about the sad discrimination and prejudice he faced.

Living Sacrifices

About 45 years ago I became acquainted with Angus and Emma Brower, pioneer missionaries in Africa. When I saw their slide presentation and talked with them, I thought of them as people who had truly placed their bodies on the altar for God.

A Dad Looks Back

Where did two decades go? How could they have sneaked by so fast? How could my little girl with the ringlet hair and cherubic smile already be 20 years old?

I'm In Debt

A shopper underestimated the total cost of her groceries. When the cashier added up the items, the woman was $4 short. Then something unusual happened. The man behind her in the checkout lane saw her digging through her purse and motioned to the clerk to put the amount on his bill. He modestly refused to give the woman his name.

'Out Of Work'

Economic recession inevitably leads to an increase in unemployment. And the higher the percentage of people out of work, the more problems our social agencies have to deal with. Alcohol and drug abuse increases. Domestic violence rises. Crime rates go up. Some people just can't seem to stay out of trouble when they have idle time on their hands.

Terms Of Obedience

A tongue-in-cheek list of medical terms making the rounds includes the following definitions:

Helping God

People have always had a tendency to want to "help" God when He seems slow to fulfill His promises.

We're Not Alone

Abram's nephew was in a lot of trouble. The kings of Sodom and Gomorrah, where Lot lived, had been overtaken by a group of marauding kings. They sacked Sodom, captured Lot and his household, and then fled north.