Month: June 1996

A Discerning Eye

Seeing used to be believing, but not anymore. With today's computer technology, anyone can easily change a photographic image.

Are You Looking Up?

Are you so eager for Christ's return that you hope it will take place today? I wouldn't be honest if I answered an unqualified yes to this question. You see, I'm enjoying life right now. I love what I'm doing. My wife and I are having fun watching our grandsons grow toward manhood. There are still people and places we would like to visit during our retirement years.

Are You Happy?

An elderly woman was once asked by a friend about the spiritual welfare of a mutual acquaintance. She replied, "Well, she's in a very bad state of mind. She's got just enough Christianity to make her miserable when she's doing wrong, but not enough to make her happy in a prayer meeting."

Tombstone Irony

Most people who don't believe in God deny the reality of life after death. They say the grave ends all, and they feel no need to plan for eternity.

Telephone Poles Don't Move

A woman gave her teenage son a used automobile. The youth enjoyed racing the car around curves so he could hear the tires squeal. One morning his car skidded and smashed into a telephone pole. The boy was thrown through the windshield and was rushed to a hospital. When his pastor reached the hospital, the boy's mother was frantic. She grasped the pastor's hands in hers and exclaimed, "Why would God let this happen?"

Number One Father

Where do kids get the stuff they come up with? One evening as I was getting 8-year-old Steven settled in for the night, he looked at me and said, "You're my second favorite dad." Whoa, I thought. Am I missing something here? But then Steve quickly filled me in. "First, God. He's my number one Father. Then you."

Depending Or Pretending?

You might have heard someone say, "I wrote the book Humility And How I Achieved It." Most people, however, would not seriously mention the word humility and their own name in the same sentence. We know that the moment we lay claim to humility it eludes us—rather like this "confession" that appeared in a poem in the magazine Village Voice:


The skillful orator Robert Ingersoll devoted his talents to undermining the Christian faith. It is sad that in his dynamic lectures he so effectively employed sarcasm and humor to twist the truth to gain converts to unbelief. When he died, the brochure for his funeral service carried this statement: "There will be no singing." That certainly was appropriate for one who denied the reality of an afterlife.

Heaven, Not Mars

The idea that humans will one day be able to live on Mars has been kept alive in the well-publicized "Biosphere 2 Project." A few years ago, eight people entered a huge greenhouse with its own miniature grassland, rain forest, desert, and ocean. They hoped to be able to live in this self-contained world without any help—eating food they grew and breathing oxygen given off by the trees and water within their system.