Month: July 1995

Too Strict

The tempter knows his craft. After all, he has been practicing it since the world began. He tries to get us to forfeit God's blessing by urging us to ignore God's laws or by slyly getting us to add to them. He knows we can fall into a ditch on either side of the road.

Expected—Sooner Or Later

I heard of a popular senator who was swept out of office after only one term. His defeat came as a complete surprise to opponents and supporters alike. In his concession speech, the losing candidate wryly commented that recent events reminded him of an epitaph he once saw on an old tombstone. It said:

Vital Information

You're on vacation and evening is approaching. You spot a good motel and you pull in. The clerk tells you that a room is available, and she gives you a card to fill out. Without hesitation you write down your name, address, phone number, and license number. Depending on how you pay, you may also reveal your credit card number. You have given out a lot of vital information without thinking twice about it.

Turn Yourself In

The spiritual-sounding phrase "I am answerable only to God" may be a subtle excuse for not answering to anyone, including God!

Nobody Can Keep A Secret From God

Washington, D.C., is full of secrets. Some say as many as 3 billion! But not all of them are legitimate secrets that safeguard national security. Many are documents concerning hazardous medical experiments made years ago on human subjects without their knowledge or consent. Others are contracts and bills that civilian manufacturers, often guilty of excessive overcharges, labeled "confidential." But now, under a new policy inaugurated by the Department of Energy, "a pyramid-like tomb of classified documents" is being systematically exposed to public scrutiny. As a result, many people and companies are being sued.

It Makes Sense

In his book Life After God, Douglas Coupland writes about Scout, a member of "the first generation raised without religion." Scout lost his wife and son because she "just stopped being in love." He trafficked in drugs and lived in a spiritual wasteland, but for an instant at least he "came to his senses."

Gain By Giving

A visitor to a lighthouse said to the keeper, "Aren't you afraid to live here with the storms and high winds constantly lashing the walls?"

Death Wish

On a lonely 3-mile stretch of Florida beach, 100 pilot whales hurled themselves onto dry ground in an apparent mass suicide. It was another example of self-destructive behavior that continues to baffle marine biologists.

Easily Distracted

My son Steven is just beginning to learn the game of soccer. So we spend quite a bit of time kicking the ball around in the front yard. As I've tried to convey to Steven the little I know about the sport, he has developed some of his own strategy. For instance, he said, "I know how to get past my man. When I'm dribbling the ball, I can say, 'Hey, look over there!' When he does, I can dribble past him!"