Month: May 1994

Bricklayers and Violinists

A concert violinist had a brother who was a bricklayer. One day a woman began talking to the bricklayer about how wonderful it was for him to be in the same family as the noted musician. But then, not wanting to insult the bricklayer, she added, “Of course, we don’t all have the same talents, and even in the same family some just seem to have more ability than others.”

Ascension Day

Four supernatural events have kept humanity from self-destructing. Like beacons of light across a storm-tossed sea, these miracles have shown the way of salvation to a world in despair. We celebrate them on Christmas, Good Friday, Easter, and Ascension Day.

The Antidote for Anxiety

Our world is filled with fear. Even in fairly stable and secure countries, people are afraid. According to a USA Today article, “We panic over pesticides and cellular phones, ozone holes and mercury fillings.”

No Contest

A family friend was deserted by her husband and left to care for her small children alone. I wonder how she’ll make it.

Thought Control

When a preacher visited a young couple, the wife said to him, “We’re new Christians, and although I’m saved I’ve lived a worldly life— swearing, partying, and all those things. The past keeps coming back to haunt me. It’s destroying my peace of mind.”

Mother’s Law

As I read Proverbs 6:20, which refers to “the law of your mother,” I recall some of my mother’s unique “laws” that have helped me many times.

The Measure of Our Worth

A friend of mine who attended a class reunion vows he’ll never go to another. He says he felt terribly worthless and unsuccessful. Some former classmates were doctors, lawyers, or dentists. Others owned thriving businesses. A few held high offices in large corporations. Almost everybody talked about brilliant and athletic grandchildren.

On Purpose

When a cowboy applied for an insurance policy, the agent asked, “Have you ever had any accidents?” After a moment’s reflection, the applicant responded, “Nope, but a bronc did kick in two of my ribs last summer, and a couple of years ago a rattlesnake bit me on the ankle.”

Boxing or Wrestling?

The president of International Concerts of Prayer, David Bryant, told of arriving in a major city to help conduct a time of prayer. As he entered the building where the meeting was to take place, he noticed that the huge hall was being shared by another event. In one room was the prayer meeting; in the other room there was going to be a boxing match.