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Vernon Grounds

Vernon Grounds

Dr. Vernon C. Grounds, Our Daily Bread writer, went to be with the Lord on September 12, 2010, at the age of 96. He wrote over 500 articles from 1993–2009 for the publication. Former president of Denver Seminary and chancellor, Dr. Grounds also had  an extensive preaching, teaching, and counseling ministry. He is deeply missed by many for his godly wisdom and example. For more of his life's story >>

Articles by Vernon Grounds

Is Faith An Escape?

Travel to the moon is no longer a fantasy. Human beings have walked on its surface. But years ago when the Hayden Planetarium in New York advertised (merely in jest) that it would take reservations for that lunar trip of 240,000 miles, 18,000 people applied within a few days.

The Purpose Of Pain

When Alexander Whyte (1837-1921), the great Scottish preacher, was a boy, he badly injured his arm in a threshing machine. Instead of going to a hospital for almost certain amputation, he was treated at home by a neighbor. When the boy complained of his suffering, she simply said to him, "I like the pain. I like the pain." She knew it was the first step to recovery.

Looking For Loopholes

Many lawbreakers on trial for their crimes hope that legal loopholes can be found to keep them from being punished. If they have enough money, they gladly pay for the services of attorneys who can discover those escape hatches for their clients.

Different—Yet Alike

God, whose creative imagination is inexhaustible, delights in diversity. Billions upon billions of snowflakes fall every year, yet no two are exactly alike.

Living In Darkness

Anna Mae Pennica was born with cataracts that left her blind. But in October 1981, Dr. Thomas Pettit of the Jules Stein Eye Institute in Los Angeles removed the cataract from Anna Mae's left eye—and for the first time she could see! She even passed a driver's test.

A Christian Lifestyle

He was a remarkable person. Author of 150 books, Toyohiko Kagawa was a teacher, a poet, a philosopher, a scientist, and an evangelist. He wrote on various subjects ranging from scientific studies to theological issues.

Drive The Pipe Deeper

During Bill Leslie's ministry as pastor of LaSalle Street Church in Chicago, there was a difficult period when he felt as if his soul was becoming a desert. His people were making so many demands that he was becoming spiritually drained.

Unable To Sleep

William Booth, the founder and commanding general of the Salvation Army, was unable to sleep one night. His son Bramwell, who lived next door, saw that the light was on in his father's home. Thinking something might be wrong, he went to his parents' house. He found his father pacing back and forth with a wet towel wrapped around his head. "Father," he asked, "shouldn't you be asleep?"

Counterfeit Happiness

It's easy to fool people about how we really feel. Simply wear a deceptive smile or hum a cheerful song like this one that was very popular during World War I and many years afterward: