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Vernon Grounds

Vernon Grounds

Dr. Vernon C. Grounds, Our Daily Bread writer, went to be with the Lord on September 12, 2010, at the age of 96. He wrote over 500 articles from 1993–2009 for the publication. Former president of Denver Seminary and chancellor, Dr. Grounds also had  an extensive preaching, teaching, and counseling ministry. He is deeply missed by many for his godly wisdom and example. For more of his life's story >>

Articles by Vernon Grounds


Scott Kerman calls himself a professional gate-crasher—and with good reason. He claims he has attended 300 sporting events or concerts, including 25 World Series baseball games, and he has done so without paying a penny. In fact, he has written a book that describes 50 ways to sneak into concerts and sporting events.

Springs Of Living Water

In 1896, Sherwood Eddy enthusiastically began his ministry as a missionary to India. But after just a year he was ready to quit—his energy depleted, his spirit broken.

Enough For Today

Life can be monotonous. The road that lies before us seems to stretch mile after mile across a flat, barren desert with no oasis in sight. How then are we to handle wearisome responsibilities when there's no foreseeable relief from our burdens?

Tiny Evils, Big Fall

It started as a seedling on the slopes of the Colorado Rockies some 500 years ago. For centuries it had stood tall, enduring violent winds, lightning strikes, blizzards, even avalanches. Now, however, the once-towering tree is just a mound of decaying wood.

More Than Just A Job

George Herbert was a gifted 17th-century English poet. At one point in his life he wasn't sure he wanted to do what God wanted him to do. Being the pastor of a church didn't appeal to him, even though he sensed that God was directing him to that vocation. He hesitated because he felt that he would have to give up too much.

A Reason For Optimism

One of England's distinguished statesmen, Sir Fred Catherwood, offers an insightful analysis of the world. He writes, "We look back today because we dare not look forward. We live in a violent, greedy, rootless, cynical, and hopeless society, and we don't know what's to become of it all. . . . As we stop believing in the dignity of man and woman made in the image of God, violence has risen dramatically. . . . The social pillars of society have been shaken. All down [through] the centuries, governments have had moral guidelines to tell them how to shape the social structures. Now . . . they do not know what to do."

Triumph In Tragedy

Patricia St. John, who has been described as an ordinary woman with an extraordinary faith, poured out her life ministering to people in the neediest places on our planet. She was in Sudan when war refugees flooded that country. They had suffered terribly and had lost everything, yet those among them who were Christians still gave thanks to God.

Carrying The Canteen

After he and his father had covered 3 miles on their 4-mile hike, 3-year-old Seth was tired out and stumbling along. Even so, he insisted on carrying the canteen that his dad, Pastor Daniel Little, had tried to persuade him they wouldn't need. Finally, though, Seth tearfully requested, "Will you please carry me, Daddy?"

Perfect Peace

Have you ever been in a situation where you thought you were about to die? Several years ago, a veteran missionary was in a plane that was circling over St. Louis and unable to land because of poor visibility. As the plane's fuel supply ran low, he jotted down—just in case—his last will and testament. He wrote, "There is peace, perfect peace. . . . Life with Christ is the way to live. In this hour there is assurance—there is God underneath all the uncertainties of human existence. So I rest in God."