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Vernon Grounds

Vernon Grounds

Dr. Vernon C. Grounds, Our Daily Bread writer, went to be with the Lord on September 12, 2010, at the age of 96. He wrote over 500 articles from 1993–2009 for the publication. Former president of Denver Seminary and chancellor, Dr. Grounds also had  an extensive preaching, teaching, and counseling ministry. He is deeply missed by many for his godly wisdom and example. For more of his life's story >>

Articles by Vernon Grounds

A Stroll With God

Etty Hillesum was a young Jewish woman living in Amsterdam in 1942. During that time, the Nazis were arresting Jews and herding them off to concentration camps. As she awaited inevitable arrest, and with a fear of the unknown, she began to read the Bible—and met Jesus. She simply put her hand in God's hand and found rare courage and confidence.

Learning To See

In his book An Anthropologist on Mars, Oliver Sacks tells about a man named Virgil. Blind from early childhood, Virgil underwent surgery decades later and regained the ability to see.


Latin is a dead language for most people. Yet not too long ago it was taught as an elective in many of our secondary schools. I recall my own struggles to read Caesar and Cicero. But now it's rare to find anyone, except some members of the clergy, who has studied that ancient tongue. At best we can understand a few of the phrases that are still in common use like anno Domini (abbreviated as AD), "in the year of the Lord."

Why Are We Here?

Why are we here? Listen to the opinion of Stephen Jay Gould, a Harvard paleontologist who is regarded as an eminent authority on how life began.

Soul Goal

Rose Martin loved her Corvair. The low-slung, rear-engine vehicle was a popular model in the 1960s until consumer advocate Ralph Nader denounced it as a casket on wheels. Rose ignored his warnings and drove it around her hometown in Rhode Island for 36 years. She kept it functioning—no matter what the cost. So when she died in May 1998, her relatives and friends were not surprised by her desire to be buried in her cherished white Corvair.

When You Doubt

Do you ever wonder whether the Bible can be trusted? Scottish reformer John Knox confessed that he passed through a dark time when his soul was filled with "anger, wrath, and indignation, which it conceived against God, calling all His promises in doubt."

Guaranteed Future

One day my friend Arthur Lewis, an expert in biblical Greek, was walking along the streets of Athens. Accompanying him was a professor who teaches Greek. They stopped occasionally to read the signs in shop windows.

Whose Business?

What Jesus said as a boy of 12 should be echoed by every believer: "I must be about My Father's business" (Lk. 2:49). Yet how many who claim to be God's children by faith in Christ are actively engaged in the service of God their Father?

Mudpies And Motives

God wants us to make the most of the talents He's given to us. That's His will for a student writing a term paper or for an architect designing a soaring skyscraper. But as history rolls on, we also know that the greatest of human work will eventually become dust and ashes.