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Henry G. Bosch

Henry G. Bosch

Henry G. Bosch (1914-1995) was the founder of Our Daily Bread and one of its first writers. Throughout his life, he battled illness but turned his weaknesses into spiritual encouragement for others through his devotional writing.

Articles by Henry G. Bosch

Talking Or Doing?

A talented young Christian artist painted a picture of a forlorn woman and child out in a storm. His portrayal moved his heart so deeply that he laid down his palette and brush, declaring, "I must go to the lost, instead of painting them."

He Cares For His Own

A young girl traveling on a train for the first time heard that it would have to cross several rivers. She was troubled and fearful as she thought of the water. But each time the train came near to a river, a bridge was always there to provide a safe way across.

Greatest Is He Who Serves

A noncommissioned officer was directing the repairs of a military building during the American Revolution. He was barking orders to the soldiers under his command, trying to get them to raise a heavy wooden beam.

Peace In The Storm

During a terrible storm on the ocean, a small passenger ship rolled precariously in the roaring tempest. The furniture and anything else that could move was tied down, and the passengers were confined to their bunks for their own safety. Many on board thought the vessel was doomed.

Pleasure Versus Joy

The world offers "passing pleasures" (Hebrews 11:25), but the Lord Jesus offers to give us full and lasting joy (John 15:11). Pleasure is dependent on circumstances, but joy is inward and is not disturbed by one's environment.

How To See His Face

Danish sculptor Bertel Thorwaldsen was commissioned to make a statue of Christ. He first took some very pliable clay and made a model. Then he left his studio, giving the new-formed clay time to dry and harden. During the night, however, a dense mist rolled in from the sea and the moisture altered the molded figure.

Sleeping In Safety

Someone has said, "The rest of your life depends on the rest of your nights." Many people, though, feel like the little boy who was having trouble falling asleep. He told his mother, "My body is lying down, but my mind keeps sitting up!"

Do What You Can

As Mary of Bethany gave her best to Jesus (Mk. 14:1-9), so each of us must give in our own way the best we have to the Lord. Our efforts may not seem significant, but God can use them for His glory.

The Old Wells

Many years ago a magazine published a story about a man who visited a small town on Cape Cod. He bought an old homestead that had fallen into disrepair and planned to improve the property by digging a new well. An elderly farmer, however, who had known the place in its original glory, said, "Why don't you open up the old well? There used to be plenty of good sweet water in it."