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Haddon W. Robinson

Haddon W. Robinson

Haddon W. Robinson served as a discussion leader for the Our Daily Bread Ministries' Discover the Word radio program for many years. With much experience, wisdom, and insight into life, Haddon found it important to enjoy his life and ministry. When he wasn't reading about David in the Bible or enthralled in a Sherlock Holmes mystery, Dr. Robinson taught at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary where he was the Harold John Ockenga Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Preaching. A native of New York City, Dr. Robinson completed his graduate studies at Dallas Theological Seminary (Th.M., 1955), Southern Methodist University (M.A., 1960), and the University of Illinois (Ph.D., 1964). Before going to Gordon-Conwell, Dr. Robinson was president of the Denver Seminary in Denver, Colorado, where he had served since 1979. He was on the faculty of Dallas Theological Seminary where he taught preaching for 19 years. From 1970-79 he was also the General Director of the Christian Medical and Dental Society, whose membership is made up of more than 20,000 physicians and dentists. Dr. Robinson was the president of the Evangelical Theological Society (1983) and served on the executive committee for that group of evangelical scholars. Dr. Robinson was editor for the Theological Annual, a contributing editor for Preaching, (a series of taped sermons), a fellow and senior editor for Christianity Today, and occasional contributor for Leadership. He was a prolific writer, having been published in magazines that include Christianity Today, Moody Monthly, and Decision Magazine. He was also editor of PreachingToday.com. He has authored several books: Grief, Biblical Preaching, Biblical Sermons (currently used as text for preaching in 120 seminaries and Bible colleges throughout the world), What Jesus Said About Successful Living, Decision-Making By The Book, Preaching That Makes A Difference, and Trusting The Shepherd, Insights From Psalm 23. Find books by Haddon Robinson

Articles by Haddon W. Robinson

The World Without

Personal faith in Christ comes with social obligations. If we believe that He reigns as Lord over history as well as Lord over our individual lives, we dare not focus solely on the "world within" and forget the "world without." Restricting His sovereignty to our personal struggles demeans Him. What do we imply about the Savior when we seek God's will about moving to another city or marrying someone, but never seek His mind on the plight of the homeless, the rights of the unborn, or racial equality?

Digging For Treasure

Profitable Bible study involves more than just opening to a chapter and reading what's there. Here are seven guidelines to help you make the most of your study of the Bible.

  1. Set aside a regular time. Unless you schedule it, you'll neglect it.
  2. Before you start reading, ask God for help and understanding.
  3. Carefully think about what you are reading. Not all of the Bible's treasures lie like pebbles on the surface. To mine the gold, you have to dig.
  4. Seek to understand what the author was saying to the first people who read the book or letter before you decide how to apply it today.
  5. Write down at least one truth or principle you can put into practice.
  6. Try different translations of the Bible. If you find yourself skimming over familiar words, a new translation may focus your mind on the passage in a new way.
  7. Don't get discouraged. Some parts of the Bible are more interesting than others, and some you may not understand at all. But there's enough that you can understand, and it will revolutionize your life if you apply it.

Love Needs Expression

Somehow the command to love doesn't get through to us. We may confess that we lack a strong faith, but seldom do we admit that we are deficient in love. Perhaps we feel we're as loving as the next person, and maybe a little bit more. 

What To Give God

In Romans 12:1, the apostle Paul applied the truths of what he had already written to the followers of Jesus in Rome. He said, "Present your bodies a living sacrifice." He also urged us to keep our bodies from sinning and to avoid the world's corruption by renewing our minds (v.2).

Where Will Death Lead?

In AD 410, the Germanic barbarians known as the Goths sacked the city of Rome. During the invasion, many Christians were put to death in hideous and cruel ways.

Golden Gods

God had seized the attention of Pharaoh and the Egyptians with a series of plagues. Now they were dying to be rid of their Hebrew slaves. But God didn't want the Israelites to leave Egypt empty-handed. After all, they had 400 years of wages due them. So they asked their former masters for articles of silver, gold, and clothing, and they got them. Exodus 12:36 says that the Israelites "plundered the Egyptians."

Toddler's Creed

Elisa Morgan, president of MOPS International (Mothers Of Pre-Schoolers), shared this insight into a child's view of the world:
Toddler's Creed
If I want it, it's mine.
If I give it to you and change my
mind later, it's mine.
If I can take it away from you,
it's mine.
If I had it a little while ago,
it's mine.
If it's mine, it will never belong to
anyone else, no matter what.
If we are building something together,
all the pieces are mine.
If it looks just like mine,
it is mine. 

Perfect Hatred

Tell me what you hate and I can tell you a great deal about yourself. Hatred can be the strong side of righteousness, but it needs a sign written on it with large red letters: Handle With Care.

To Tell The Truth

When you think of the term evangelism, what picture flashes onto the wall of your mind? A large stadium filled with people? A small booklet with a set of diagrams? A Christian wearing a pin with the symbol of a fish? A zealous believer playing intellectual chess with a pagan opponent? A salesman convincing a reluctant person to "try Jesus"?