Month: August 2018

Knowing God’s Will

Is it possible to know what God wants us to do? A friend of mine, who was trying to make a big decision, said in frustration: “Nobody knows what God’s will is.” Is he right? Does being unsure about the future mean we can’t know anything about what God wants?

Often, when we talk about what God wants us to…

Coping with Getting It Wrong

How do you react when you mess up? You’ve wanted to do something you knew wasn’t going to please God—you wrestled in your mind over it, and then you went and did it anyway. Do you feel fed up? Frustrated with yourself? Angry at God? Do you just want to give up?

There is another option.

The Israelites, God’s people,…



Do you have a favourite band, footballer, actor, author, etc.? Celebrities create excitement wherever they go. Even when we’re not at their gigs or matches, we can follow their lives on social media. No matter who we look up to, we need to remember they’re just people. And we need to remember that in our churches too!

The first-century…

Sin Hurts

When we say something unkind and see pain on a friend’s face, it hurts. When we mess up again and again, it hurts. When we don’t keep a promise, it hurts. When others ignore or make fun of us, it hurts. When people unfriend us online, it hurts. When we try to do things alone without God, it hurts. No…

A Chocolate-Powered Car!

I like chocolate. A lot! But this invention sounds a bit of a waste to me. Some scientists have created a race car that runs on chocolate! It can reach top speeds of 135 mph. As amazing as that is . . . I still think I’d rather eat the chocolate.

If we think a car running on chocolate is…

Getting it

Whenever I read any of the gospel books in the Bible, I totally get where the disciples are coming from. Like me, they seem a bit slow to catch on. Jesus keeps on saying things like “Don’t you understand it yet?” and “Are you still so dull?” (see Mark 7:18). Finally, however, Peter ‘gets it’, at least one part of…

When People Pray

Peter and John were in danger. The leaders in Jerusalem had threatened them, warning them not to talk about Jesus any more (Acts 4:18). When they told all this to the other Christians, they had a prayer meeting straightaway.

What happened next is amazing! They all praised God to start. Then they asked for boldness to keep sharing the good…

What Really Matters?

A few years ago a friend was taken on a tour of some of the stuff that has been rescued from the Titanic. When they started the tour, all the visitors were given a ticket with the name of an actual passenger who had been on the Titanic when it sunk in 1912. After the group had finished exploring all…