Month: June 2002

The Memory Of Our Sins

The memory of our sins can rob us of the joy of our salvation. Perhaps we have said, or heard others say, "If only I could forgive myself for what I have done!" Some people become obsessed with guilt for their past sins.

Too Nice

Sometimes we tend to be too nice. When people are doing wrong, we are afraid to confront their behavior, and we choose just to be nice. When a friend is slipping into an illicit relationship or a relative is becoming an alcoholic, we ignore the situations and do not confront them. When an unsaved friend is trusting in good works for eternal life, we remain silent about Christ and His death on the cross. But believers should not compromise obedience to God's Word just to be nice.

'Vengeance Is Mine'

The infamous 19th-century feud between the Hatfields and the McCoys started with a fight over a razorback hog. It turned into a vendetta that continued unabated for several decades. Members of both clans committed brutal murders, and their fighting brought heartache to every family in the valley of the Tug Fork River, along the border of Kentucky and West Virginia.

I'm Ready

A friend of mine who has lived all her life in California goes to sleep every night with her shoes and a flashlight under the bed. When she was a child, her father required every family member to be ready to leave the house if an earthquake were to come during the night.

Seeing God

Jesus said, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God" (Matthew 5:8). Yet the apostle Paul spoke of God as One "whom no man has seen or can see" (1 Timothy 6:15-16). I have often thought about this seeming contradiction. How can we reconcile our Lord's statement with the words of Paul?

A Lasting Legacy

My middle-aged friend, who was a medical doctor, knew that he was suffering from a disease that would gradually cripple him and eventually kill him. What an emotional struggle he experienced in coming to accept his condition! He had expected to be helping sick children for many years. He had also hoped that he would provide a comfortable life for his family and the best possible education for his children. But how could he do that now? What could he leave as an inheritance to his children?

Who's In Control?

I smiled as a friend told me about his experience in a New York City taxi. The driver seemed determined to demonstrate his skill and daring in negotiating the traffic congestion of the big city. He went careening down busy streets, making abrupt turns, nearly sideswiping cars, and coming to screeching stops.

Majestic Sounds

A little boy named Philip was walking down the street of a small Pennsylvania town when he heard a sound that had never before reached his ears. It was that of a piano. Ten-year-old Philip Bliss was so enchanted by its sound that he walked right into the house from which it came.

Listen Patiently

A bumper sticker asks, "Have you hugged your child today?" It's a reminder to parents to communicate their love in tangible ways. Important as hugging is, though, another important question needs to be asked: "Have you listened to your child today?" The answer we give has the power to affirm or to frustrate our children.