Month: August 2001

Time For Friendship

We really can't make more time. There are only 24 hours in a day, and no matter how frantically we try it's impossible to stretch those 24 into 25. So our problem isn't how to increase time but how wisely to use our daily allotment of those 1,440 minutes as they steadily tick away.

Not Even Close!

A 33-year-old Frenchman was nailed to a cross in the patio of a plush hotel in the Dominican Republic as his "contribution to salvation and peace among mankind." He wanted to hang there for 3 days, but within 24 hours he was so weak that he was forced to give up his plan. Even before that, the cross had to be laid horizontally on the ground to alleviate his suffering. It was obvious to all that he couldn't continue to endure the terrible ordeal he had imposed on himself.

Talking To The Rocks

Rocks don't usually get the benefit of human conversation. Not many people walk by and say, "Hi, Rock. How ya doin'? Get around much these days?"

Help From Above

Many people around the world claim they have been abducted by extraterrestrial beings. Researchers call it a "new psychological disorder." Jeff Kanipe, an authority in this field of study, says that some people become so obsessed with the desire for help from another world that they "hallucinate help coming from the skies in the form of alien saviors—saviors, I might add, that oftentimes behave sinisterly."

Running Well

A computer study of 5,000 racehorses has revealed a way to predict whether or not a young horse will develop into a good runner. A professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology used computers and high-speed cameras to find out how a good horse runs. He discovered that the legs of a fast horse operate much like the spokes of a wheel. Each leg touches down only as the leg before it pushes off. The effect is peak efficiency of effort and speed.

Of Starfish & Christians

Did you know that if one of the arms of a starfish is severed, a new one will grow in its place? In fact, if a starfish is cut up, any piece that contains a part of the central disc will develop into a new starfish.

Uncommon People

In the late 1920s, D. J. DePree, the president of the Herman Miller furniture company, and his colleague James Eppinger saw the company sliding toward bankruptcy. Often traveling together by train, they had much time to ponder their situation.

What's Your Focus?

A company boasted that its anti-aging cream could "banish" wrinkles, and was asked to prove it in court. Findings showed that the cream did tighten skin, but only temporarily. The wrinkles were soon obvious again. Millions of people swallow such wild claims because they've believed the myths behind them: that the aging process is unacceptable and that undoing it is possible. The focus is on visible effects—all temporary—which is discouraging for those who trust in them.

Practice What You Preach

Mohandas Gandhi spearheaded India's struggle for freedom from British rule. His Hindu religious practices and his political philosophy had a radical and revolutionary influence on millions of his countrymen.