Month: June 1995

David's Hiding Place

Protection comes in many forms. A rabbit dives for his hole. A deer runs for the dense cover of a swamp. A 2-year-old runs for his dad's pant leg. A marine digs in under cover of supportive artillery. But what does a Christian do? Where does he hide when surrounded by danger?

Surprising Integrity

In June of 1994, 62,000 men gathered at the Hoosier Dome in Indianapolis for an event called Promise Keepers. One goal of the conference was to challenge men to demonstrate integrity by adhering to the principles for godly living set forth in the Bible. According to one report, the men started meeting that goal right away.

Beautiful People

Our society idolizes the so-called "beautiful people"—popular entertainers and models whose youthful faces dominate the pages of the magazines at the supermarket checkout. But such attractiveness has nothing to do with the kind of beauty that delights the heart of God.