Month: September 1994

Commandment 2—Refuse Idolatry

Years ago, Life magazine carried on its cover an artist’s rendering of God as an old man with long white hair and stern facial features.

Commandment 1—Worship Only God

British statesman W. E. Gladstone (1809-98) visited Christ Church College and spoke optimistically about the betterment of English society during his lifetime. His outlook was so positive that a student challenged him: “Sir, are there no adverse signs?” Gladstone reflected, “Yes, there is one thing that frightens me—the fear that God seems to be dying out of the minds of men.”

Light And Darkness

Kathleen Matson and her family have moved to Tokyo for 3 years. Because less than 1 percent of the citizens of Japan believe in Jesus Christ, she said that the nation can be considered unreached with the gospel.

Why Me?

A few years ago, an unkempt, poorly adjusted youth named Tim (not his real name) was converted to Christ in an evangelistic crusade. A few days later, still unkempt but bathed in the love of Christ, he was sent to my home so that I could help him find a good church. And so it was that he began attending mine.

Equipped For The Task

I was in England during World War II working as a surgical technician in an army hospital when I heard the shocking radio announcement: “Franklin Delano Roosevelt is dead!” I was saddened and troubled. Was Vice President Harry Truman qualified to be President?

Inconsistent Prayer

One morning at the breakfast table a father asked God’s blessing on the food as usual. In pious and exalted language he thanked the Lord for all His bountiful provisions. But when he started eating, he grumbled about the poor quality of the food and complained about the way it was cooked. His teenager interrupted him.

“I Hurt For You”

When my sons were young, one of them stubbed his toe and grimaced with pain. Seeing him trying bravely to bear the agony of those moments, I said, “Son, I’m truly sorry. My toe hurts for you.”

The Church Cure

There don’t seem to be many things that people agree on these days, but I have recently noticed a general consensus about at least two items: People are recognizing that violence is a growing problem and that smoking truly is a health hazard. Even the US government has come out with programs to oppose them.

You Are A Role Model

Charles Barkley, superstar basketball player for the Phoenix Suns, said in a television ad, “I am not a role model.” But, like it or not, he is. Everybody is a role model for somebody else.