Month: September 2007

Don’t Row

During a picnic on a scorching day at a Wisconsin lake, Ole’s fiancée Bess said how much she would enjoy some ice cream. So the young Norwegian immigrant gladly made a 5-mile round-trip by rowboat to bring it to her. When he returned exhausted with a container of melted ice cream, Ole told himself there must be a better way. He put his mechanical mind to work, and a year later in 1907, Ole Evinrude field-tested his lightweight, detachable motor for small boats. He married Bess, and when the outboard motors went into commercial production, she wrote the advertising slogan: “Don’t Row! Throw the Oars Away!”

Magic-Marker Wisdom

A patient checked in to a Florida hospital for a life-saving amputation. He awoke to find that the wrong foot had been removed. In the same hospital, another patient had surgery on the wrong knee.

Looking Out For Others

In giving of ourselves, we manifest the essence of Jesus’ character, for it has always been His nature to think more about others than He thinks of Himself. Why else would He humble Himself and become “obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross” (Phil. 2:8).

Sowing And Reaping

It seemed innocent enough at the time. I had just come home from high school and told my mom that I was going to a friend’s house to play football. She insisted that I stay home and do my homework. Instead, I slipped out the back door and spent the next 2 hours making tackles and touchdowns in my friend’s backyard. But on the last play, I was tackled into a swingset and knocked out my front tooth. It hurt like crazy, but not as badly as telling my parents.

Jesus Sets Us Free

Perhaps no one since the apostle Paul has written more graphically about the experience of spiritual bondage than the great theologian Augustine (AD 354–430). Although blessed with extraordinary intelligence, in his younger years he had wallowed in deep depravity.

Mosquito Paradise

The builders of the Panama Canal overcame many enormous challenges: the moving of tons of earth, the redirecting of a river, and the cutting down of miles of jungle. But the tiny mosquito threatened to shut down the whole project. The Isthmus of Panama was an ideal breeding ground for this pest. As mosquitos infected canal workers with yellow fever and malaria, the death toll began to soar.

All Rise

When I asked my husband to buy eggs on his way home so I could make cornbread for supper, he said, “I’ve got something better than cornbread.” Coming from Jay, that was a surprising statement. But I learned what he meant when he walked into the house and handed me a fresh loaf of homemade cinnamon bread. A label on the wrapper said, “Thanks for the dough. We kneaded it.” The bread was made by Sue Kehr and given as a “thank you” for a donation to a youth organization.

He Knows My Name

When we attended a large church, we learned new things, joined a great small group, and enjoyed the worshipful music. But I didn’t realize for a long time that I missed something—the pastor had no idea who I was. Because of the thousands in attendance, I understood that it would be impossible for him to know each person by name.

Wandering From Wisdom

If God offered you anything you wanted, what would you ask for?