Month: June 2007

Heart Trouble

What’s the most common affliction that plagues people in the US? Heart trouble. More than any other ailment, it’s the disease that causes an early death.

Sticky Burdens

Have you ever had Super Glue or oil-based paint on your fingers? If so, you may have discovered that what seemed impossible to remove can be taken off with the right solution.


Over the years, it has been my privilege to lead several study trips to the Bible lands. In the months leading up to our group’s departure, we would have a series of orientation meetings in preparation for our trip. Schedules, hotel accommodations, contact information—all could be changed at a moment’s notice.

Integrity 101

Officials in Philadelphia were astonished to receive a letter and payment from a motorist who had been given a speeding ticket in 1954. John Gedge, an English tourist, had been visiting the City of Brotherly Love when he was cited for speeding. The penalty was $15, but Gedge forgot about the ticket for almost 52 years until he discovered it in an old coat. “I thought, I’ve got to pay it,” said Gedge, 84, who now lives in a nursing home in East Sussex. “Englishmen pay their debts. My conscience is clear.”

The Perfect Storm

In his book The Perfect Storm, author Sebastian Junger reports astonishing facts about the power of a hurricane: “A mature hurricane is by far the most powerful event on earth; the combined nuclear arsenals of the United States and the former Soviet Union don’t contain enough energy to keep a hurricane going for one day. A typical hurricane . . . could provide all the electric power needed by the United States for three or four years.”

Reach For . . .

A television commercial asks, “What do you reach for when you’re stressed?” Then it suggests, “Reach for [our product].”

A Time To Remember

A few years ago, members of my family got together at a restaurant to celebrate the 100th birthday of my grandmother, Hazel Dierking.

Getting Free

Personal downsizing usually occurs when someone moves to a smaller home. Furniture and other possessions are sacrificed because there is no longer room for them. But when psychologist Jane Adams moved to a larger home, she still went through the difficult process of parting with many treasured items from her worldwide travels. Instead of downsizing, she was ridding herself of unnecessary things that bound her to the past.

Just Be Yourself

For those of us who don’t have the spiritual gift of evangelism, the word witness can stir up some unpleasant memories or paralyzing anxieties. In fact, I’ve sometimes felt like a complete failure when I tried to follow methods that were designed to make witnessing easier.